The MLB HOF remains the gold standard for all sports HOFs. The NFL would be wise to adopt the MLB model to create interest.

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I've tried to donate to TeamGleason but getting an error. I'm living in Japan so I guess they only accept donation from the states since you are required to select state in the address.

Anyways, love reading your blog and listening to poscast.

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Clay Matthews not being in just pisses me off - but Roger Craig? Three rings (and one of the biggest reasons for those 3 rings) Roger Craig? First in NFL history to run and receive for at least 1,000 yards in the same season Roger Craig? Two-time All-Pro four times Pro Bowl 1980s All-Decade team Roger Craig? WTF is wrong with NFL HOF voters? It is beyond belief; it makes zero sense.

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I remember a few years ago after Ken Stabler passed away. Peter King in his column wrote how, although he was a very good player, Stabler wasn't HOF worthy, never voted for him and never would. A year later, after Stabler was nominated by the Veteran's Committee, they had the secret meeting which no one is allowed to talk about, some writer presented Stabler and how he deserved the HOF and he sailed into Canton. Who was one who voted for him? Peter King. I never understood why football has to have a secret meeting and they have to talk about a player and convince others that he's deserving. Just vote your conscience and vote for who's deserving.

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Just realized I posted this on your Hamilton post, when I meant to post it here:

The tweet Miranda sent you; you won parenting.

Taking Elizabeth to see Hamilton: master-level parent move.

Miranda sending you a tweet directly: You won. Mic drop. Best parent of all-time award.

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The 1980's Redskins get so little love that it warmed by heart that two of them got mentioned above.

It's really Joe Jacoby that I wish was in the Hall of Fame. Darrel Green and Ark Monk are in. Joe Jacoby should be in, too.

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Well, they had a straight-on toe kicker win an MVP. That’s a good chunk of love (and a ridiculous result).

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1) love that you put Steve Stipanovich into the same group as Kareem and Parish. I hope someone sends this to him. Corzine and Ruland too for that matter.

2) Jim Tyrer, my only thought is Ray Lewis.

3) Football-baseball, it’s like the statistics, no one really cares about football stats either. Every baseball record the number is ingrained in our minds, football “it’s around like (insert number for whatever you’re talking about). It seems football history has no meaning.

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"It seems football history has no meaning"

Because they keep changing the conditions under which numbers are achieved. From 12 to 14 to 16 and now 17 games; from "three things can happen when you pass and two of them are bad" to get off the bus throwing; from physical man-to-man defense with hand-chucking and bumping receivers all the way down the field to keep-a-you-hands-offa-da receiver, passing/receiving numbers have skyrocketed.

SOME changes have been made to baseball that are inevitably going to change things (no more 300-game winners, y'all), but the basic "one guy tries to throw the ball past another guy trying ti hit it with a stick" that generates most of them hasn't and won't change, and it's been the same for a century and a half.

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For Tyrer, my only thought is CTE. It is not like it was invented in later eras, only discovered later.

Tyrer played 194 games (in 14 game seasons) when offensive lineman weren't allowed to use their hands, and head slaps by the defense were legal. One of the greatest left tackles in history, everyone was shocked and surprised when the incident happened. It seemed so out of character to everyone who knew him.

Despite the tragic end, he should be a Hall of Famer.

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I wonder if that image came up today because it is Lin-Manuel’s birthday.

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The Bubba baker thing is interesting. I've never understood how the determination is made about how to make someone go by a nickname or not. Some are obvious, but as an example why is Walter Beck listed as Boom Boom Beck in BRef?

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I was trying to look up Chief Meyers in BBRef a few weeks ago and couldn’t find him. Apparently BBRef has removed all Chiefs, Dummys, Nigs, and Japs from primary names for MLB players, even if that’s what they were known as when they played. Or in Chief Meyers case, how he actually referred to himself (if you listen to the audiobook Glory of Their Times you can hear the Chief refer to himself as Chief). I sent an email to BBRef and got an explanation, which was basically that those nicknames aren’t PC. The page for Jack Meyers says “Also known as Chief Meyers.” The overarching policy is that they try to use whatever the player went by unless it’s “offensive.” So it’s Billy Hoy, not Dummy. Jay Clarke, not Nig. Boom-boom must not be offensive. I’m assuming that name is from line drives given up, not bedroom activities as reported by his roommates.

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It looks like if you type in his name, it doesn't show up in the autocomplete as a player's name normally would, but if you then hit ENTER or click the search text below anyway, it still takes you right to his page.

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Yes, to me that's a bug. Autocomplete should complete any player by name or nickname. Not hard to program.

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That really makes sense, and at the same time I feel like it is just wrong on a certain level. If someone calls themselves that it cant be that "offensive". But err on the side of caution.

And yes, Boom-boom was the sound of line drives hitting off the metal wall at the Baker Bowl supposedly. I'd argue it is a bit offensive, right up there with Hugh "losing pitcher" Mulcahy.

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I think if you're known more by your nickname than your actual name, that's what they use. I've heard of Boom-Boom Beck all my life, and didn't even know his real name until you used it. See also several Lefties (Grove, Gomez, O'Doul, others). Football reference lists Deacon Jones, Too Tall Jones, and Night Train Lane under their nicknames.

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David Lynch & Bob Uecker in the same day. Ugh. Gonna have to queue up a Major League - Blue Velvet double feature in honor.

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My daughter and I went to see Hamilton(the 1st touring company, not quite as spectacular as seeing Lin Manuel) the month before COVID and then my Dad died in July. I just sent her the Hamilton article. Thank you Joe for putting it into words better than I can or could.

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Sasaki will sign with the Dodgers?


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The ESPN piece also made it clear that any voter who does bring up off-field issues when a player's case is being discussed is subject to being censured in some way, up to and including being removed as a voter. A couple of voters, identified by name in the piece, openly admitted that off-field issues would prevent them from voting for Tyrer, and another, Bill Polian, was noted as having called other voters in advance to discourage them from supporting Tyrer. So my questions is this: What's the punishment for those voters for publicly stating they will violate the Hall of Fame's rules for voting members? Are they really going to be so pedantic about it that they will overlook it because it wasn't said in the actual meeting of the voters? If there's a loophole of that size in their rule, then it's not much of a rule, is it?

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Since Tyner went decades without even being included in the players to be considered, Canton clearly was considering his heinous off field action. Saying it could be considered for including him on the ballot, but not considered for a vote once on the ballot is ostrich-like.

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I considered using "considered" one more time in my consideration of Tyner, but after consideration ... ooft, what a poorly written comment!

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I think they first give a warning or two. After that you’ll probably be more careful.

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100% this.

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Is this Welch or Basque?

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Made me think of how Will Forte spells “business” in that SNL sketch, which is still one of the vey funniest things they’ve ever done.


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Believe it or not, I've never seen that. But very funny. Thanks.

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I think it is mostly known by football fans that Football Hall of Fame voters are

instructed only to consider a player's on the field performance in considering his

qualification for enshrinement in Canton. This is unlike Baseball"s "character clause"

which has served to deprive a number of all-time great players from enshrinement.

However, hypothetically, I wonder if Football HOF voters would have voted the great

O. J Simpson into the Football HOF if the murder allegations and subsequent trials

were taking place during their consideration of his candidacy.

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As much as I hate what OJ did off-the-field...dude was an absolute legend on the field. So frankly I hope he would still be elected into the HOF, as crazy as that sounds.

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OJ was elected to the NFL HOF in 1985. So his head was already on display in Canton a good nine years before he cut off his ex-wife’s head.

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Interesting thought experiment. I think they might have based on the fact that Ray Lewis breezed into the HOF. Yes, different circumstances, but Ray did settle out of court with the families of the victims instead of facing a civil trial. He might have just wanted to avoid the expense and the public scrutiny of a civil trial, but the optics aren't great.

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No idea what if anything Ray Lewis did that night. But as a former prosecutor I can tell you that many innocent people panic when they are around after a crime and they do stupid things that make them look guilty.

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Alex Mogilny is not in the Hockey Hall of Fame and considering how many guys make it, this is one of the biggest snubs I can think of.

The HOckey Hall voting process and eligility and voting body is a complete mystery to me.

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The Hockey HOF is a joke. Period.

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Not that huge a hockey fan, but based on EA NHL ‘94 alone he should be in.

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